Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Fixing “ERROR[16003;””]” in Microsoft Entourage

Are you facing a problem in opening Microsoft Entourage database or is your Entourage database is not accessible because of the corruption issue? Well these problems may take place when they Mac entourage application is unable to identify your database because of damage. Here at this point, your first priority should be to opt for entourage repair to get back your data which is quite important for you. Corruption in the entourage database can be identified when you get several kinds of error messages while trying to open Microsoft Entourage application:

  • ERROR: Corruption opening database [16003:””]”
  • “ERROR: Failed to open database [Head]

Most of the entourage users receive an error message called: “The Identity cannot be opened with this version of Entourage”. The exact reason behind getting this error is still doubtful. There can be several reasons for the error you used to get on to your Mac computer:

Causes behind getting the error: “ERROR[16003;””]” in Microsoft Entourage:

This error can take place due to different reasons like corruption to either MS Entourage database or the database identity. However, corruption can take place due to several reasons like:
  •    You may get this error due to database header corruption.
  •   Also, this corruption takes place because of database Identity Corruption.
  •   Virus Attack is another common reason.
  •   It may also happen due to improper shutdown of Mac system.
  •   Sometimes it may also take place due to users’ error itself.
  •   Another reason is application or software corruption

How to fix this error manually?

You can easily fix this error by moving the Microsoft User Data (MUD) directory from the documents folder to a temporary folder. After this, a new Microsoft User data folder will be created by entourage file. Now next you have to do is to move the contents of MUD folder to newly created Microsoft User Data folder inside the temporary folder. Now the last thing you have to do is to launch Microsoft Entourage in order to check of the problem has been fixed or not.

After going through the above content, it might be clear to you that could this error take place and also how could it be fixed using different methods. But in case, if you are still unable to fix “ERROR[“16003;””]” then you can also make use of Entourage Database Repair. This software is capable to fix any kind of entourage database error very easily. 


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